Thursday, February 17, 2011


I like this.

and this.

and this.

and this.

Meanwhile, I'm making this:

It seems anti-climactic... but I don't think it really is all that surprising. I've always loved line, pattern, repetition, and anything that confuses the eye (or, more accurately, the brain). I'm interested in the difference between what exists and what we perceive-- and the differences between the collective "we see" and the individual "I see". One could argue that these differences are easiest to "see" in op art but trickle down through the styles and are important to each individual viewing experience. As an artist, I recognize these differences, I'm acutely aware that I view the world through a different filter than everyone and anyone else, and I desire to communicate visually with others both because of and in spite of these differences. These pieces remind me of this struggle and remind me of these ideas more acutely than, say, Emily Eveleth's photorealistic and abstract paintings, while enriching these other viewing experiences with this knowledge.


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