Monday, November 8, 2010

a mind that knows itself is a mind that knows much more

I've been looking at these glitter (yes, glitter) paintings by Jamie Vasta for a few weeks and I still don't know how I feel about them.



Made of glitter on wood boards she recreates Caravaggio and Caravaggio-like paintings with herself as the female figure. If she were not in these paintings, they wouldn't be anything more to me than a modernization of Caravaggio's work: interesting in its novelty and execution but without depth. Similarly, if she had only recreated these works with herself as the subject, the implications would be interesting but the paintings would be too narrative for my taste. However, the combination of glitter and self-portraiture forces me to think past each element and view the works as something more. I still don't know if I like them or if they mean anything to me, but they're interesting. Very interesting.

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