Wednesday, September 15, 2010

why must I feel this way? (must be the money)

Prompt: your blog entry should be centered on the technical aspects of your personal production – what you do with the materials you’ve chosen and why you’ve chosen them. Some of you have already addressed this a bit in your first homework assignment, but it's worth further contemplation. Post this by Friday, September 17 by midnight.

As I mentioned in my last post, I believe that as an artist, I recognize that each person perceives the world in a different way and I desire to visually explain my particular breed of perception to others.

The way I view the world is different from the way anyone else views it. My paintings, nearly all of them focusing on a representational, recognizable image of a part of a person, depict my observations of and obsessions within my environment. The physicality and history of paint and paintings helps the viewer look at the image as a scene or piece of a scene and less like a symbol. 

Whenever I focus on projects related to time, I draw. These pieces are  records and as such should look tedious, laborious, and time-consuming. Drawing with ink is a process of building and adding (assumedly) without the ability to remove information or change it later.

Prints are where I create something new. Although some of my pieces are abstractions of my observations, which I usually reserve for paintings, and nearly all are extremely time-consuming and intricate, they differ from my other work by being my own. Although all of my work is somewhat referential, whatever my work is referring to from the "real" world is toughest to discern in my prints.

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